certified inner voice facilitator

Certified Inner Voice Facilitator

Have you ever felt, or simply ‘known’, what was right for you, in a way you couldn’t explain?

That deep knowledge is your Intuition, your Inner Voice.

As a recovering indecisive and an artist familiar with art blocks, I know first hand how important it is to have clear answers that work for yourself.

I’m sure you’ve heard that all answers are within you. Inner Voice practice helps us establish that introspective communication with our Intuition in order to live our lives in a way that’s more true to ourselves. If you’re curious about this, simply drop me a line.

  • The most complete session! In this 90 minute call we’ll hold the space for your Inner Voice to bring up any topic that needs addressing, we’ll chat to it about your concerns and we’ll clear any emotional blockages held in your body that might be preventing you hearing your Inner Voice.

  • Bean bags are feelings or emotions that once got stuck in the body, preventing you from hearing your Inner Voice loud and clear. In this 33 min session I’ll show you how to release whatever comes up.

  • In this series of exercises, I’ll teach you how you can deepen and expand your connection with your inner voice during 55 min.